Ebola: Barrier Nursing

Ebola certainly dominated the headlines in 2014. Our service, like most others, did in-house training guided by the health region in order to prepare for its unlikely appearance in our community. It bothered me that we were just now designing an updated PPE/provincial care algorithm. There are many other highly infectious diseases that perhaps should…

Make the Right Call

I want to share this recently uploaded video from Toronto Paramedic Services. Considering my last couple weeks it feels quite timely. Wouldn’t it be great if the PAC made a national video like this? We know this is not a region specific issue. Now from my personal files, more examples of Making the Wrong Call……

But You’re Too Little!

My height: 5 feet 1 inch…just brushing 155cms. Not surprisingly, “You’re too little!” is a comment I hear a lot in my profession (not to mention all my life). I once let an elderly lady (who weighed all of 100lbs) give my bicep a squeeze to gain her confidence before picking her up. I’ve always…

Paramedic Mental Health: Survey

I I just took the Paramedic Association of Canada survey on paramedic metal health wellness. SURVEY LINK: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PAC_Wellness_Survey I encourage everyone who is trained and employed as a paramedic in some capacity, including my fire and industrial buddies, to take this survey. My hope is that the data will help improve awareness, bolster resources, and create…

Bye Bye Backboard!

           A             A few weeks ago when I started to write this I was toying with the titles “Burn Backboard Burn” or “It’s Backboard Burning Time,” but given that by some miracle the EMS Gods have answered my prayers out here in Saskatchewan, those headlines…

Thoughts on the ALS Ice-Bucket Challenge

It seems everyone is doing it or talking about it. I’ve seen many good friends dump chilly buckets over themselves, and even videotaped a few of them doing it. There are people I wish I was friends with who are doing it: Kermit, Justin Trudeau, Leonardo Dicaprio. The ALS foundation is nearing the 100 million…

Trucker Butt

I love driving but we all know that sitting for a long time is bad for our bodies. EMS providers, depending on their area, often sit in vehicles for looong hours. In my area one typical interfacility transfer can last from 6-8 hours plus. The problem is compounded when you are expected to do heavy…


Over the past year I have spent a few hundred, possibly thousands of hours traveling the highways of Saskatchewan (Hwys 1, 4, and 7 repeat). A big part of my paycheque is thanks to inter-facility transfers. Basically we scoop up our patient at a hospital or care center in one place and transport them to…

Another One Bites the Dust (Part 2)

In Part 1 we talked about some of the improvements made to CPR guidelines over the years. In Part 2 we will discuss some of the modifications we may see formally implemented in the future. Some of these ideas may be reasonably incorporated into our current practice despite not being officially outlined. (And some ideas…

Another One Bites the Dust (Part 1)

“While CPR has only been around in its true form for about 50 years, attempts at resuscitation date as far back as 1768, when the Dutch Humane Society was formed in an effort to improve resuscitation in drowning victims. Their first formal attempt at CPR included instruction on clearing the airway via rolling the victim…